Thomas has been reading boy books (such as The Dangerous Book for Boys or The Big book for boys). Within those books there are many different experiments Thomas wants to do. This experiment was putting a raw egg in Vinegar for one week. It is suppose to break down the shell and become rubbery. He wanted to do it with uncook chicken leg but I didn't have one at the time.
The egg at the beginning of the week.
After a week we took out the egg and the shell was gone and it was rubbery. It was brown and smelled like vinegar. It was pretty cool. We will probably do it with uncooked chicken bones when I get some. The bones are suppose to be able to bend and not break.
After a week we took out the egg and the shell was gone and it was rubbery. It was brown and smelled like vinegar. It was pretty cool. We will probably do it with uncooked chicken bones when I get some. The bones are suppose to be able to bend and not break.
They were bouncing it and rubbing it in their hands. It is pretty gross but a fun thing to watch the egg change over the week.
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